Sinatra Project

Tarooj Khan
3 min readJun 6, 2020

Hello. My name is Taroj and I am from Houston, TX. I am a recent graduate of University of Houston with a degree in English. I created my project based on an exercise app. An exercise app is an app that is commonly used in many people’s lives. Exercise or work out was one of my biggest challenges. I used to weigh over 300 lbs. ten years ago. I fell ill and lost 100 lbs. in two months, but was weak. I didn’t put on any weight after that. Maybe a few pounds. But then I realized that my over weight was not a good thing and now I am weak. So I started to exercise. Just like many other people, I purchased gym membership and started doing the most common exercise, running on a treadmill. I did that for a month and didn’t see much progress. Except that I could run more than before. But I realized that there are more exercises besides running and also something that is very important, stretching with yoga. So I started to do those. I didn’t know much about having a personal trainer and had an unpleasant experience with one which lead to a back injury. It took me three months to recover. So I started to read about exercises, different kinds of exercises, stretching, yoga, muscle mass, heart beat etc. and started to create my own work outs without any help. I worked out for one year and lost almost 90 lbs. Then I hired my personal trainer. My trainer has set me up with an app which is far more complex than the one I have and I use it regularly. So I asked myself, why shouldn’t I create an app that is meaningful and also something that I enjoy. I enjoy working out. It’s one of my favorite things. I miss working out…

